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What a Long, Strange Tweet It’s Been: Reflections On My First Hatchday

19. March 2012


Today officially marks my first year on Twitter, and I must say, it’s been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I have met so many fantastic people, learned so many things, and had so many unique life experiences with Twitter that it literally boggles the mind. I thought I would share the […]

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How Twitter Taught Me the Secret of the Universe

15. March 2012


One of my daily activities that constantly provides me with insights into life is Twitter. In addition to meeting great people and finding useful information, Twitter has taught me a great deal about how to be successful in life’s many ventures. The lessons Twitter has taught me are simple, but the implications are profound. What Twitter has […]

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Twitter is the Voice of the Collective Soul of Humanity

14. February 2012


A very strange thought came to me this evening. I often think about how famous artists from the sixties used to talk of the collective soul of humanity. How we are “one unified consciousness, a cosmic hive mind living out one life with the illusion of separate bodies.” I’ve always liked that mindset, seeing as how that mode […]

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Spambots Are Getting Meaner Everyday.

26. January 2012


I know I will probably come off as an old timer when I say this, but spambots used to be better back in the day. It used to be that you would get spammed by Nigerian princes in need of a loan, or by multi-colored eggs offering instant solutions for losing weight, but these days […]

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No, You Don’t Need More Followers

8. January 2012


Gaining followers is of the most talked about subjects on Twitter. From #TeamFollowBack to Auto-Follow scripts, the Twittersphere is obsessed with obtaining social media celebrity. Lusting for fame is commonplace in all avenues of life, but on social media it seems to be the sole focus for many people. This insatiable thirst for followers is one […]

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