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Google is a Grumpy Old Man (And I’m Dating His Daughter)

26. March 2012


Ever since I started writing content for The Social Chic, I had to deal with something I always hoped I could avoid, Google. While I love using Google, as a website trying to attain visibility in an insanely competitive online world Google is a source of constant torment.   The headaches of search optimization seem, at least to me, […]

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Tumblr: The Ultimate Way To Go Viral

31. December 2011


Tumblr is a relatively new player in the social media game, but already it boasts some impressive growth figures. With over 6.6 million users, it is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the social media landscape. It’s fascinating to see a blogging platform rise so quickly in a field with such intense competition. […]

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