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What You Should Be Doing With Facebook’s Timeline for Pages

4. March 2012


Facebook has finally rolled out timeline for pages. While I’ve seen a lot of people making a big noise about how this is a game changer for brands and companies, I feel that most of the chatter has been about cover picture branding and the more trivial aspects of the new format. Yes, the visual […]

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Facebook’s Frictionless Sharing Is Bad For You

1. February 2012

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The term “slippery slope” gets thrown around a lot these days, but I feel that I’ve finally found a situation where it can be justly used. Facebook’s increasingly automatic sharing of users content is a troublingĀ developmentĀ for social media, and for more than the fact that you can now see just how many times your significant […]

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Why Facebook is the Cutting Edge of Social Media

23. January 2012

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Facebook gets a lot of flack from people in the social media world. As the 800 pound gorilla of social, it’s a pretty easy target. Among other things, they’ve been slammed for privacy concerns, constant layout changes, and pretty much anything else the internet community can dream up. As the constant scapegoat of the social […]

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Why Twitter Is Cooler Than Facebook

2. January 2012


A lot of discussion goes on these days regarding what is the best social media platform. The two names that come up the most frequently in my social circles (Google+ pun not intended) are Twitter and Facebook. While there are many great social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook have built up the largest active user […]

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